Caladrius ========= Caladrius is a performance modelling service for Distributed Stream Processing Systems (DSPS) such as Apache Heron_ and Apache Storm_. TL;DR ----- The aim of Caladrius is shorten the time taken to scale a topology to the correct size to cope with a given incoming workload (traffic level). With this system, it is hoped, that the *plan -> deploy -> stablise -> analyse* loop that is currently required to *right size* a topology, can be shortened. The ability to predict future workloads also allows the performance of a running topology to be checked against expected high workloads and pre-emptively scaled before the workload arrives. Further details are provided in the `Summary`_ and :doc:`/background` sections. Prototype --------- Caladrius is a prototype project and only implements some the features described above and below. Details of what features have been implemented and what are planned in future are shown on the :doc:`/roadmap`. Summary ------- Caladrius provides a framework to analyse, model and predict the various aspects of DSPS systems (like Apache Heron and Storm) and focuses on two key areas: :ref:`traffic-models`: The prediction of incoming workload into a DSPS topology. Caladrius provides metrics database interfaces and methods for analysing traffic into a topology and predicting future traffic levels. :ref:`topology-models`: Predicting how a topology will perform under a given traffic load and for a given cluster layout (physical plan). This breaks down into two further areas: *Current*: The prediction of how a topology will perform under a different traffic level if it keeps its current layout. *Proposed*: The prediction of how a topology will perform under the current (or a future) traffic level when its layout is changed. Table of contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 background contributing graph_database rest_api models/model_index roadmap API Documentation Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _Heron: .. _Storm: