
Contributions to Caladrius are very welcome. The systems is designed to be extensible and the aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive suite of performance models to suit a wide range of situations.

Contributing new models

In order to construct a new model class for a particular DSPS you will need to inherit from the appropriate base class. For example, to construct a new traffic prediction model for Heron topologies you would inherit from the HeronTrafficModel class located in the model/traffic/heron/ module.

All traffic and topology performance model base classes in Caladrius inherit from the Model base class (see model/ This class has two attributes that your new model class should override:

  • name: This is the identification string used across the DSPS sub-domain of the Caladrius REST API to refer to this model. It should be distinct (within the sub-domain) from all other model names, e.g. stats-summary is unique within the model/topology/heron and model/traffic/heron endpoints. If the Caladrius server is already running you can check the /model_info endpoints of each DSPS sub-domain to see list of all registered models. Alternatively, once the model is added to the configuration file, Caladrius will check for model name uniqueness at startup and raise an exception of the name is a duplicate.
  • description: This is a short description of what the model does that is included in the information returned by the relevant /model_info endpoint.

The Model classes constructor accepts 3 positional arguments that are given to all models during start up:

  • config: This is a dictionary parsed from the appropriate entry in the yaml configuration file. For example to specify configuration entries for a Heron topology performance model class you would add keys and values to the heron.topology.models.config map within the main Caladrius configuration file. Note that any entry in this map will be passed to all Heron topology models.
  • metrics_client: This is the metrics client the was configured for the particular DSPS that this model applies to. For example for Heron traffic and topology performance models this would be the metrics client specified by the heron.metrics.client configuration option.
  • graph_client: This the client connected to the Caladrius graph database and can be used to query topology structures and write new structures to the database (see Graph Database).

Your model constructor should accept the 3 positional arguments, any other required setup arguments should be supplied via the config dictionary.

You should consult the documentation for each DSPS’s base model base class for details of the required methods and arguments. These are usually specific to the DSPS and are supplied to the model by the relevant Resource class in the api/model module.

Telling Caladrius about your model

Once you have a new model class it is easy to add this to Caladrius. The model classes used by each endpoint are defined in the yaml config file passed to the script. An example configuration showing how to specify the model classes used is shown in config/main.yaml.example.

For example if you want to add a new traffic model for Heron topologies you would add the import path to you model class under the appropriate config heading:

    - "caladrius.model.traffic.heron.stats_summary.StatsSummaryTrafficModel"
    - "caladrius.model.traffic.heron.prophet.ProphetTrafficModel"
    - ""

The config file uses absolute import paths for each class. Therefore, provided that your source files are reachable on the PYTHONPATH (with in required subdirectories) your model does not need to be within the Caladrius root folder. However, you will need to add the folder above the Caladrius repo to your PYTHONPATH to access the abstract base classes and other utility features therein.

Once you have added your model to the config file it will be loaded by the REST endpoint resource class and will be available at the appropriate endpoint. You can query the model by supplying its name attribute via the model parameter in the endpoint request (see REST API).

Contributing new metrics clients

Coming Soon…


Coming Soon…

Contributing Documentation

Coming Soon…


By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the terms of the APLv2.